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Posted by on 2014/11/10 under Uncategorized

It’s been two long years and still, just seeing you for a second makes me think of you for hours.. Just talking to you for two months, two years ago, has had such am impact on me. You hardly cared about me, and I knew I was wrong but still, I let you enter my zone.. I went away cuz I couldn’t take that pain of being ignored by you anymore.. I hate you for your damn playboy personality. I hate you for hurting me.. I hate you for attracting me to yourself. I hate you more because you still hurt me. I don’t hate you.. I actually hate my feelings. I hate the fact that I am such a despo. I know he has a girlfriend and a lot other things to think about but still, why do I feel like he does think of me. Why do I feel like he notices me around just as much. Why do I still feel attracted to him. Why do I deny all that’s supposed to be true.. Why am I so desperate? Why did I give you the power to make me feel this? Why do I still think of you? Any answers? I know there isn’t any damn bloody answer to any stupid question that I have.

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